As health and social care experts, we can work with you to develop your services in all sorts of ways.
Workforce Development
Whether you are a large or small employer, we can help you devise and implement a workforce development strategy that makes the most of your staff and managers – improving the standards of your service delivery.
Policy, Practice and Management
We have a wealth of experience to draw on is social care and can work with you on anything from strategic service reviews to independent case reviews. We have worked with a number of public bodies including Skills for Care and the Department of Health as well as local authorities and care providers.
Some of the work that we’ve carried out includes:

- Tender writing to secure a range of projects and funding opportunities
- Securing funding for social care employers and their staff on RQF diploma courses
- PR, branding, publishing and project development work for private and voluntary social care organisations.
- Writing and reviewing local authority strategic reviews and workforce development strategies
- Improving recruitment and retention with small to medium enterprises in the social care sector to
- Developing ‘Train the Trainer’ toolkits and workshops on 'nutrition' and 'safeguarding adults' for Skills for Care
- Publishing magazines & newsletters for Skills for Care and other organisations
- Delivering a range of bespoke training and professional events
- Organising ICT training workshops helping social care managers make the most of the web and other platforms
- Conducting Stage 2 and Stage 3 investigations based on complaints made by service users, their carers and advocates.
- Building social work graduate trainee programmes for local authoties
- Writing and implementing a local authority’s pilot Newly Qualified Social Work (NQSW) scheme
- Setting up a quality assurance panel for adult community services practice educators
- Supporting newly qualified social workers in their first year as practitioners
- Practice learning assessors for a number of universities